When we talk about railway exams conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board of India, they are considered to be in the list of the top competitive exams of India. From the vast syllabus to the huge number of students applying and securing jobs every year, RRB exams seem to require proper dedication, constant efforts and concentration. Apart from this, what you may lack for your railway exam preparation is a deep understanding and clarity of the base topics of your syllabus.
This is where Power Mind Institute enters the scene. No matter whether you are preparing for RRB NTPC or RRB ALP, we are here to provide you with quality learning, detailed notes and an adaptable learning experience. Being the best online Coaching for railway exam in Jaipur, we bring learning at your comfort. Learn at your own pace and start with your railway exam preparation today.
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The RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) and RRC (Railway Recruitment Cell) are the two top recruitment boards for various Railway posts in India. RRB is responsible for conducting exams like Loco Pilot, Junior Engineer, and more, while the other posts categorized under Group D are conducted by RRC. There are a total of 21 RRB boards in different cities and 16 RRC boards spread across different zones.
The main difference between Group D and Group C posts lies in the pay scale. While Group C are paid higher, Group D posts are more low scaled. The eligibility and selection process of all these exams are relatively the same, no matter whether it is conducted by RRC or RRB.
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Power Mind Institute provides expert coaching services for Jaipur SSC, bank, and railway exams. As the best Online Coaching For Railway Exam In Jaipur, Power Mind Institute offers:
Still, waiting? Call Power Mind Institute now to get a personalized expert guidance session for free! Test it yourself before you agree. As one of the best online Coaching for railway exam in Jaipur, we always put that extra effort into making it to your success. Try our demo sessions today.